EEG devices for recording brain activity has various applications across many different fields such as neuroergonomics, neurorehabilitation, hyperscanning, pshyschology, music, sport, neuromarketing and others. Greentek EEG sensor has very good compatibility with different devices, whether paired with a PC or smartphone, it provides superior data quality and high time-precision.

- SMARTING mobi is the first truly mobile EEG device for recording brain activity in an unrestricted environment.
Whether paired with a PC or smartphone, it provides superior data quality and high time-precision.
There are various applications of SMARTING mobi across many different fields such as neuroergonomics, neurorehabilitation, hyperscanning, pshyschology, music, sport, neuromarketing and others.
Room 303, Dingye Hall B, International
Enterprise Center, Guanggu Avenue,
Hongshan District, Wuhan, China

SMARTING mobi is the first truly mobile EEG device for recording brain activity in an unrestricted environment.
Whether paired with a PC or smartphone, it provides superior data quality and high time-precision.
There are various applications of SMARTING mobi across many different fields such as neuroergonomics, neurorehabilitation, hyperscanning, pshyschology, music, sport, neuromarketing and others.

- SMARTING mobi is the first truly mobile EEG device for recording brain activity in an unrestricted environment.
Whether paired with a PC or smartphone, it provides superior data quality and high time-precision.
There are various applications of SMARTING mobi across many different fields such as neuroergonomics, neurorehabilitation, hyperscanning, pshyschology, music, sport, neuromarketing and others.
Room 303,Dingye Hall B, International
Enterprise Center,Guanggu Avenue,
Hongshan District,Wuhan,China